If you can’t pay the full balance on your bill, setting up a payment plan will keep your water service connected while giving you more time to pay.
1. | Select the number of months you'd like to pay (1, 2, or 3 months). |
2. | Your Total Account Balance will be divided up into equal, affordable monthly payments. |
3. | Starting with your next bill, you will pay the current charges on your bill plus payment plan amount. |
Please contact the Utility Administration Office to establish a Payment Plan Agreement.
*A Disconnect Notice (red bill) allows customers an additional ten days to make payment arrangements before service is disconnected. A customer's past payment history will be taken into account before any payment arrangements are made.
2024 Christmas Holiday Recycle Schedule- Wednesday, December 25th recycle service will be picked up on Saturday, December 28th, 2024.
2025 New Year's Holiday Recycle Schedule- Wednesday, January 1st recycle service will be picked up on Saturday, January 4, 2025. All other service dates will remain the same. Thank you!