Building Inspection Fees

Updated 11/2022


Fee Amount

Commercial and Multi-Family Plan Review and Inspection Fees


$1.00 to $ 10,000$125 + $25 Administrative Fee
$10,000 to $25,000$179.44 for the first 10,000 plus $13.86 for each additional $ 1000 + $ 25 Adminstrative Fee + Shipping Charges
$25,001 to $ 50,000$387.34 for the first $ 25,000 plus $10 for each additional $ 1000 + $25 Administrative Fee + Shipping Charges
$50,000 to $ 100,000

$637.34 for the first $50,000 plus $6.93 for each additional $ 1000 + $25 Administrative fee + Shipping Charges
$100,001 to $ 500,000$983.84 for the first $100,000 plus $5.55 for each additional $ 1000+ $25 Administrative Fee + Shipping Charges
$500,001 to $1,00,000$3,167.84 for the fist $ 500,000 plus $ 4.7 for each additional $ 1000 + $25 Administrative Fee + Shipping Charges
$ 1,000,001 and up$5553.84 for the first $1,000000 plus $3.21 for each additional $ 1000 + $25 Administrative Fee + Shipping Charges
Commercial and Multi-family Re-inspection Fee$125 + $25 Administrative Fee
Certificate of Occupancy for Commercial and Multi-family$150 + $25 Administrative Fee
Trade Permits (Building, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fuel Gas and similar)$125 + $25 Administrative Fee
Civil Engineering Review$100+ $50 per hour
Sign Permit$250+$25 Administrative Fee

Single and Two-family Residential Plan review and Inspection

Per HB 852 signed in May 21,2019
0-1,500 S.F.$785 + $25 administrative fee
1,502 - 10,000 SF$785 for the first 1,500 SF, plus 0.35 for each additional S.F. to an dincluding 10,000 + $25 Administrative Fee
Over 10,000 S.F.$3,760 for the first 10,000 S.F plus $0.15 fir each additional S.F. over 10,000 S.F. + $25 Administrative Fee
Trade Permits (Building, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fuel Gas and similar)$100 + $25 Administrative Fee
Residential Re-Inspection$100 + $25 Administrative Fee
Other project types not listed$160 + $25 Administrative Fee
Fence Permit$50 + $25 Administrative Fee
Garage/carport/shed Permit$50+ $25 Administrative Fee

Fire Code Plan Review and Inspection (Fire Alarm and/or Sprinkler System

$1 to $250000$1250 + $25 Administrative Fee + shipping Charges
$250001 to $500000$1900 +25 Administrative Fee +Shipping Charges
$500001 to $1000000$2350 + $25 Administrative Fee + Shipping Charges
$1000001 to $3000000$3500 +$ 25 Administrative Fee + Shipping Charges
$3000001 to $6000000$5250 +$25 Administrative Fee + shipping Charges
$6000001 and Up$5250 for the first 6,000,000 plus $.025 for each additional $ 1000 + $25 Administrative Cost + Shipping Charges
Annual Fire Inspection$150 +$25 Administrative Fee
Demolition Permit$110 +$25 Administrative Fee
Housing Moving Permit$125 + $25 Administrative Fee
Housing Moving with police Escort (3 hour Min)$200
Annual Contractor Registration$125
Wireless Communication Facility Application$5,000
Failure to obtain building/zoning permit5 times of permit fee



General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
400 N. Washington
Room 106

Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8 - 5